Services Provided by Semicolon Marketing Agency

* Website Redesign:
* Revamped the website design, emphasizing a modern aesthetic, exceptional navigation, and clear service descriptions.
* Optimized the website’s visual appeal, aligning it with Silvertouch Renovation’s focus on high-quality craftsmanship.
* Enhanced the booking experience with a user-friendly online reservation system.
* Enabled instant customer support through online chat and seamless WhatsApp integration.

* Backup and Maintenance Service
* Speed Optimization: Prioritizing fast loading times, particularly important for image-heavy websites showcasing renovation projects.
* Crawlability and Indexability: Ensuring pages like the service descriptions and gallery are easily recognized by search engines.
* Mobile Optimization: Maintaining flawless website display on all devices, as many potential clients will likely browse on their phones.
* Structured Data: Highlighting service areas, business hours, and contact information to improve visibility in local search results.
* Pre-Post Website Audits: Meticulously evaluating website health before and after implementing changes.
* Sitemap Customization: Guiding search engines through the website’s structure, emphasizing key service pages.
* Regular Backup: Creating secure copies of the website to protect against unexpected failures.
* Security Updates: Protecting the website’s data and user information with the latest security measures.
* Plugin and Theme Updates: Ensuring compatibility and optimal performance by keeping website components up-to-date.
* Bug Fixes: Rapidly addressing any technical issues that could disrupt the user experience.
* Broken Link Checks: Maintaining a seamless browsing experience by identifying and fixing broken links.
* Database Maintenance: Keeping the website running smoothly by optimizing its underlying database.
* Security Monitoring: Implementing proactive defenses against potential cyber threats.
* Uptime Monitoring: Ensuring the website remains accessible 24/7 for potential clients.


Web design Renovation in Vancouver

Semicolon Marketing Agency offers comprehensive services for Silvertouch Renovation, including website redesign with enhanced booking features, backup and maintenance for optimal performance and security, and strategic paid ad campaigns targeting local homeowners for maximum lead generation.