
Semicolon Agency

Marketing Brain Of Your Business

Semicolon Agency is an online platform that provides small businesses with content creation services, social media management, search engine optimization, business website design, and e-commerce website design.

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Find out more about us

Semicolon Agency ; Marketing Brain of Your Business

Semicolon Agency; is an online start-up platform. It offers complete online digital marketing services to small businesses in content creation, search engine optimization (SEO), design of business websites and

e-commerce stores, and social media management such as Instagram and Tik Tok. Semicolon was founded by a group of Iranian and Canadian designers, online marketers, and experts in content creation.

Our services

We've got a strategy with a plan to help your company grow and thrive.

The implementation process of your project

مراحل اجرای کار در سمیکالن - اولین شرکت ایرانی دیجیتال مارکتینگ در کانادا
سمیکالن : اولین شرکت ایرانی دیجیتال مارکتینگ در کانادا
سمیکالن : اولین شرکت ایرانی دیجیتال مارکتینگ در کانادا

Consultation and order placement

After having a free online consultation session with the client, the project process starts with placing an order for the client's business needs.

سمیکالن : اولین شرکت ایرانی دیجیتال مارکتینگ در کانادا

Assign the project to a marketing manager or expert.

Production Process starts by assigning the project to one of our marketing managers or professionals who specializes in that area.

سمیکالن : اولین شرکت ایرانی دیجیتال مارکتینگ در کانادا

Client review and Deliver the project to the client

The client reviews the project and will deliver it to the client if approved.


Instagram account under management

Our mission is to provide quality services


Active business website delivered

Our goal is to improve the user experience


Written article

We offer you the best